Imprint / Mikwe Worms - SchUM-Städte



Ques­tions, re­marks and sug­ges­tions:

Disclai­mer/ Web­si­te Edi­tor

SchUM-Städte Spey­er, Worms, Mainz e.V.
Syn­agogen­platz 2
67547 Worms

© ShUM-Cit­ies Spey­er, Worms, Mainz Ass.


Dr. Susanne Urban, Man­aging Dir­ect­or ShUM-Städte e.V.
Volk­er Gallé, Kul­turkoordin­at­or der Stadt Worms

Design and Im­ple­ment­a­tion

stu­dio ahoi, Ham­burg


Column near the Mik­vehAccumulation of water

con­ceptdesign, Worms

Bolt­ing of the column

Entsor­gungs- und Baube­trieb der Stadt Worms (ebwo)

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Li­a­bi­li­ty disclai­mer

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All the doc­u­ments and in­form­a­tion that is found on the web­site of the ShUM-Cit­ies Spey­er, Worms, Mainz e.V. were as­sembled with the ut­most care and con­sid­er­a­tion. The ac­cur­acy, up-to-date, com­plete­ness, and/or qual­ity of the in­form­a­tion presen­ted there can­not be guar­an­teed. ShUM-Cit­ies Spey­er, Worms, Mainz e.V. can­not be held re­spons­ible for dam­ages that may arise either dir­ectly or in­dir­ectly from the use of this in­form­a­tion. Ex­cluded from this is the li­ab­il­ity in cases of in­tent and gross neg­li­gence.

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It is pos­sible to visit the web­site of the ShUM-Cit­ies Spey­er, Worms, Mainz e.V. without provid­ing per­son­al in­form­a­tion of the vis­it­or. It may be that ac­cess in­form­a­tion without ref­er­ence to an in­di­vidu­al is saved. In­so­far as the op­tion of provid­ing per­son­al data ex­ists with­in the web­site/webpage, it is the de­cision of the vis­it­or to provide this in­form­a­tion of his or her own free will. The data saved will be used solely for the pur­pose men­tioned prior to re­quest­ing these data.