Acknowledgement / Mikwe Worms - SchUM-Städte



Thanks to all who have helped and sup­por­ted us, as well as provid­ing us with ma­ter­i­al.

In Ger­many and Switzer­land

Barthel & Maus, Mu­nich/ Mainz
Dio­genes Ver­lags AG Zürich
dtv Ver­lags­gesell­schaft, Mu­nich
Ro­wohlt Ver­lag, Re­in­bek
Na­tion­al and Uni­ver­sity Lib­rary Ham­burg
City Archive Spey­er
City Archive Worms

In Is­rael

Hadar Gal­ron, Is­rael
In­sti­tute of Is­raeli Drama, Shim­rit Ron
Eshkol Nevo, Is­rael
In­sti­tute for the Trans­la­tion of Hebrew Lit­er­at­ure


Lord Mayor Mi­chael Kissel, Worms
Prof. Chris­toph Cluse, Trier
Stefanie Fuchs, Heidel­berg
Ar­chi­tect Jür­gen Hamm, Worms
Dr. Roswitha Kais­er, Head Of­fice Cul­tur­al Her­it­age Rhine­land-Palat­in­ate, Mainz
Daniel Kemp­in, Frank­furt
Stella Schind­ler-Siegreich, Chair­man of the Jew­ish Com­munity Mainz

Eng­lish Trans­la­tion

Heinz Deck­er, Frank­furt/Main

Design and Im­ple­ment­a­tion

stu­dio ahoi, Ham­burg


Column at the Mik­vehAccumulation of water

con­ceptdesign, Worms

Bolt­ing of the Column

Entsor­gungs- und Baube­trieb der Stadt Worms (ebwo)

If we should have failed to name Rights Hold­er at all or have named them in­cor­rectly, or if we failed to loc­ate them, we ask for a brief no­ti­fic­a­tion and we will take all ef­forts to name them or make cor­rec­tions as fast as pos­sible.