Privacy Policy / Mikwe Worms - SchUM-Städte

Privacy Policy

Data pro­tec­ti­on

As of: May 15, 2018

Pro­vider and re­spons­ible body with­in the mean­ing of the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR)

SchUM-Städte e.V.
Syn­agogen­platz 2
67547 Worms
The web­site op­er­at­or takes your pri­vacy very ser­i­ously and will treat your per­son­al in­form­a­tion con­fid­en­tially and in ac­cord­ance with the law. Keep in mind that data trans­mis­sion on the In­ter­net can gen­er­ally be sub­ject to se­cur­ity vul­ner­ab­il­it­ies.

Area of Ap­plic­a­tion

With this pri­vacy policy, users re­ceive in­form­a­tion about the nature, scope and pur­pose of the col­lec­tion and use of their data col­lec­ted and used by the re­spons­ible pro­vider.
The legal frame­work for data pro­tec­tion is the Fed­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Act (BDSG) and the Tele­media Act (TMG) as well as the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR).

Col­lect­ing gen­er­al in­form­a­tion

With each ac­cess to this offer, the web space pro­vider or we auto­mat­ic­ally col­lect in­form­a­tion. This in­form­a­tion, also known as serv­er log files, is gen­er­al in nature and does not allow any con­clu­sions to be drawn to you as a per­son.
Re­cor­ded are: name of the web­site, file, date, amount of data, web browser and web browser ver­sion, op­er­at­ing sys­tem, the do­main name of your In­ter­net pro­vider, the so-called Re­fer­rer URL (the page from which you ac­cessed our offer) and the IP ad­dress.
Without this data, it would not be tech­nic­ally pos­sible to de­liv­er and dis­play the con­tents of the web­site. In this re­spect, the col­lec­tion of data is im­per­at­ive. In ad­di­tion, we use the an­onym­ous in­form­a­tion for stat­ist­ic­al pur­poses. They help us to op­tim­ize the offer and the tech­no­logy. In ad­di­tion, we re­serve the right to sub­sequently in­spect the log files in case of sus­pec­ted il­leg­al use of our offer.


The news­let­ter is avail­able on the web­site and can cur­rently not auto­mat­ic­ally be sub­scribed. There­fore, no fur­ther data as said be­fore is col­lec­ted as you can read and down­load the news­let­ter through the Web­site.

Con­tact form

If you con­tact us by e-mail, we will store the in­form­a­tion you have provided in order to an­swer your re­quest and to ask pos­sible fol­low-up ques­tions. No per­son­al data is stored.

In­teg­ra­tion of ser­vices and con­tents of third parties

Our offer some­times in­cludes con­tent, ser­vices and ser­vices of other pro­viders. These are for ex­ample videos from You­Tube. In order for these data to be ac­cessed and dis­played in the user's browser, the trans­mis­sion of the IP ad­dress is ab­so­lutely ne­ces­sary. The pro­viders (here­in­after re­ferred to as "third-party pro­vider") thus per­ceive the IP ad­dress of the re­spect­ive user.
Al­though we en­deavor to use only third-party pro­viders who only need the IP ad­dress to de­liv­er con­tent, we have no con­trol over wheth­er the IP ad­dress may be stored. This pro­cess is used in the case, inter alia, stat­ist­ic­al pur­poses. If we are aware that the IP ad­dress is being stored, we will in­form our users.
The videos em­bed­ded in the web­site of the You Tube chan­nel of the SchUM-Städte e.V. did not set any cook­ies as long as the video is not being played!


This web­site uses so-called cook­ies. These text files are stored on your com­puter from the serv­er. They con­tain in­form­a­tion about the browser, the IP ad­dress, the op­er­at­ing sys­tem and the In­ter­net con­nec­tion. We do not dis­close this in­form­a­tion to third parties or link it to per­son­al data without their con­sent.
Cook­ies ful­fill two main tasks. They help us to fa­cil­it­ate the nav­ig­a­tion through our offer and en­able the cor­rect present­a­tion of the web­site. They are not used to in­ject vir­uses or launch pro­grams.
Users have the op­por­tun­ity to ac­cess our offer without cook­ies. For this pur­pose, the cor­res­pond­ing set­tings has to be changed in the browser. Please refer to the help func­tion of your browser, how cook­ies are de­ac­tiv­ated. How­ever, please be aware that this may in­ter­fere with some fea­tures of this web­site and re­duce its ease of use.

Use of Google Ana­lyt­ics

This web­site does not use Google Ana­lyt­ics.

Use of Piwik

This web­site does not use Piwik in any way.

Data min­im­iz­a­tion

Per­son­al data is stored ac­cord­ing to the prin­ciples of data avoid­ance and data eco­nomy only as long as re­quired or re­quired by law (legal stor­age peri­od). If the pur­pose of the in­form­a­tion col­lec­ted, for ex­ample, after or­der­ing in the on­line shop, we de­lete your data.

Or­ders in the on­line shop

In order to be able to place or­ders via this offer, cus­tom­ers use either our e-mail ad­dress or the order form. No user ac­count is cre­ated. All data, which is typed in by the cus­tom­er with­in the scope of an order pro­cessing, are stored up to the con­clu­sion of the order and the pay­ment by the or­der­er. This in­cludes:
• Name and first Name
• Ad­dress
• E-mail ad­dress
No data that is ab­so­lutely ne­ces­sary for de­liv­ery or order pro­cessing is for­war­ded to third party ser­vice pro­viders. The order is pro­cessed in­tern­ally. As the stor­age of your data is no longer re­quired or re­quired by law, they are de­leted. There is no cred­it card pay­ment pos­sible and we have no pos­sib­il­ity of dir­ect debit or Payp­al or any other ser­vice, so we are not af­fil­i­ated with third parties re­gard­ing your data.

Use of so­cial media plu­gins

This web­site cur­rently uses (May 2018) no so­cial plu­gins, be­cause the SchUM-Städte e.V. cur­rently do not serve such ac­counts.

Change of our pri­vacy policy

In order to en­sure that our pri­vacy policy al­ways com­plies with cur­rent legal re­quire­ments, we re­serve the right to make changes at any time. This also ap­plies in the event that the pri­vacy policy has to be ad­ap­ted due to new or re­vised ser­vices, for ex­ample new ser­vices. The new pri­vacy policy will then take ef­fect on your next visit to our offer.